Detroit Charter

The Detroit Charter and City Government

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Annotations By: Jacqueline Bejma

Sec. 4-301. City Planning Commission

A 9 member city planning commission will be appointed by the city council

7 of the members shall be appointed from each of the 7 districts

Members must be a resident of the City of Detroit

Term of office is 3 years

City Council members may be appointed to the Commission as ex-officio members

A nine (9) member City Planning Commission shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the City Council. Seven (7) of the members shall be appointed, one (1) each, from the non at-large districts. As far as possible, different professions and occupations shall be represented on the commission.

A member must be a resident of the City. The term of office is three (3) years and the terms of three (3) members expire each year. City Council members are eligible for appointment to the Commission as ex-officio members.

Sec. 4-302. Powers and Duties

The commission is meant to advise the city council on development matters

Any resolution adopted by the commission is not binding until adopted by the city council

The City Planning Commission shall advise the City Council on development matters as defined in section 6-204 and, to the extent consistent with this Charter and state law, perform other functions as directed by the City Council. Any resolution adopted by the Commission is advisory and shall not be binding until adoption by the City Council.

Sec. 4-303. Staff Assistance

The commission has the power to request assistance from the staff of the City planning department in order to evaluate or prepare any proposal related to planning or development

The Commission may request, and is entitled to, assistance from the staff of the Planning and Development Department in evaluating or preparing any proposal relating to planning or development. All elective and appointive officers shall furnish to the commission, within a reasonable time, available information required by the commission. The Commission may, within appropriations, appoint a staff, exempt from Article 6, Chapter 4 of this Charter.

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