Detroit Charter

The Detroit Charter and City Government

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Annotations By: Jacqueline Bejma

Sec. 7-1101. Department

The transportation department will:

  1. Own, maintain and operate a public transportation system above, on or below the surface of the ground
  2. Operate the system within the city and outside the city as permitted by law
  3. Exercise or recommend the exercise of other functions or powers provided by law or ordinance

The Transportation Department shall:

  1. Own, maintain, and operate a public transportation system above, on, or below the surface of the ground, or in any combination thereof, utilizing technology known or to be developed;
  2. Operate the system within the city and to a distance outside the City as permitted by law;
  3. Exercise or recommend the exercise of other functions and powers provided by law or ordinance, including the specific powers of the City to finance transportation under sections 8-401, 8-503(4), and 8-602 of the Charter.

Sec. 7-1102. Advisory Commission

A 7 member advisory commission will be created with one member from each of the 7 districts

An advisory commission for transportation shall be created pursuant to section 7-103. The Commission shall be composed of at least seven (7) members, one selected from each non at-large district.

Sec. 7-1103. Intelligence Division

The Director of the Transportation Department may appoint an Intelligence Division, exempt from Article 6, Chapter 4.

Sec. 7-1104. Limitations

The city may not sell of dispose of any property needed to continue transportation service without the approval of a majority of voters

The city may not privatize public transportation or service unless revocable by city council and approved by 3/5 of voters

Anything that violates these rules is considered void

The following limitations shall apply relative to transportation:

  1. The City may not sell or in any way dispose of any property needed to continue the operation of any city-owned public utility furnishing transportation service, unless approved by a majority of city voters voting on the question at a regular or special election.
  2. The City may not grant any public utility franchise for transportation services which is not subject to revocation at the will of the City Council unless the proposition is first approved by three-fifths (3/5) of city voters voting on the question at a regular or special election.
  3. All contracts, franchises, grants, leases or other forms of transfer in violation of this section shall be void and of no effect against the City.

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